Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wow...the Midpoint Already!

So we are past the half way point and I am already beginning to become nostalgic about our experience here. It helps that I had an entire day off due to tummy troubles and did nothing but sleep and think. I am on the mend after a couple doses of cipro...but let me tell you that being sick in China is an entirely different proposition than in the US. Our teammate likened the spread of the news that I was sick to Paul Revere's night the morning every single Chinese teacher knew I was sick with stomach issues...they made me a card (we are blue without you!) and one of my students brought me fruit--dragon fruit, "dragon eyes," and a watermelon. They ALL asked me today if I was better...all 90+ of them :) It was touching... and I was sad to miss a day of teaching because so much happens in a we did a north american wedding with the Chinese was awesome--sparked so many discussions and thoughts that perhaps they have not thought of before...and I had a "date" with three of my teachers to a foreign language bar...we discussed their marriages--one lives in a different city than her husband, one seems happily married, and one's husband left her three years ago (and she has twin girls) much brokenness and a society that is not set-up to deal with these things in public. We have been able to speak boldly here but in a culturally sensitive way and they are receptive...i think they are longing for the hope and joy that we have and can't figure out how to get it...glad we have a few more weeks to discuss. Anyway, tonight we have additional teaching activities and finish around has been a long but worthwhile day. Interestingly, there is gatorade in Changsha :) and mountain dew... :)

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